
Hi! I’m Becky,

Here’s my story…

Remember when I said…

“Persistence is my superpower”?

When I was two, I opened the passenger door while my mother was driving and I flew out of a moving car. Thus began my fascination with flying.

At four, I figured height plus speed equaled flight. Using a tricycle and a flight of twenty stairs, I took off…well, down. It didn’t have a happy ending. If only I had a cape.

A few years later, I tried a kite and a pair of roller skates, thinking speed plus wings should do the trick, right? Nope. Same disastrous results.

Thankfully, when I was eight years old, I discovered the joy of writing. My ideas in life haven’t always panned out. They did, however, make for great stories and given me some successes over the years.

Today, I’m attempting to soar with my first YA Fantasy novel.

…Stay tuned. 

B. A. Lamb